Handy Linux Commands


  • Custom port: ssh username@hostname.com -p 1234
  • Local port forwarding: ssh -L client_port:localhost:server_port -L 9999:localhost:80

Forwards specified server ports to client through ssh tunnel. Client port forwarded to can be customised. Multiple -L arguments can be used.

  • Dynamic port forwarding: ssh -D 80

Forwards all server ports to client through the ssh tunnel, does not work if port is already in use on the client


  • List screens: screen -list
  • Name a new screen with a sockname: screen -S sockname
  • Resume detatched screen: screen -r sockname
  • Scroll up and down in copy mode: Ctrl+a, Esc
  • Detatch from screen: Ctrl+a, d


  • Download image: podman pull image_repo
  • List images: podman images
  • Run image: podman run -dt image_repo/image_id

-d Detatch, -t Create TTY interface

  • Attach: podman attach container_id
  • Detatch: Ctrl+p, Ctrl+q


Most of these commands require root

  • Check for open ports: ss -plnt | grep :80
  • List zones: firewall-cmd --get-zones
  • List active zones: firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  • List all zone information: firewall-cmd --list-all-zones
  • List zone information for current or specified zone: firewall-cmd --list-all
  • List services: firewall-cmd --list-services
  • List interfaces: firewall-cmd --list-interfaces
  • List zone information: firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all
  • Add port to zone: firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-port 80/tcp

This change will apply immediately, but will not persist once the firewall is reloaded

  • Make change permanently: firewall-cmd --add-port 1234 --permanent

Changes won’t be applied to the live firewall. Apply them by reloading the firewall with firewall-cmd --reload

  • Add service to zone: firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=syncthing


Most of these commands require root

  • Add repo: dnf config-manager --add-repo repository_url
  • Enable repo: dnf config-manager --set-enabled repository
  • Disable repo: dnf config-manager --set-disabled repository
  • List enabled repos: dnf repolist

Vim plug

  • Install plugin: :PlugInstall name
  • Update vimplug: :PlugUpgrade

Linux file permissions

Groups are used with file permissions: chown user:group

These commands require root

  • Create new group: groupadd group_name
  • Add user to a group: gpasswd -a user group_name
  • List groups: getent group
  • List users of a group: getent group group_name
  • List users: getent passwd
  • List groups of a user: groups user
  • chmod -R g+w /your/directory
  • https://www.guru99.com/file-permissions.html

4 = Read, 2 = Write, 1 = Execute

5=rx, 6=rw, 7=rwx

Execute permissions are used to traverse a directory

Online users

  • List online user PTS: who

shiraz pts/0 2022-01-02 20:55 (

  • Find user PID from PTS: ps -dN|grep pts/1

1885493 pts/1 00:00:00 zsh

  • Logged in usernames: users

shiraz shiraz

  • Detailed list of login history: last

File handling

  • Backup config file: rename .conf ".conf_backup" /etc/nginx/conf.d/ptero.conf
  • Unbackup config file: rename _backup ““ /etc/nginx/conf.d/ptero.conf
  • Find an indexed file quickly: locate filename (Note: locate relies on a pre-built database, which can be updated using updatedb to include recent files)

Grub on RedHat

  • Edit grub options: sudo vim /etc/default/grub
  • Find grub config directory: sudo readlink -e /etc/grub2-efi.cfg

Return example: /boot/efi/EFI/rocky/grub.cfg

  • Regenerate and replace grub config: sudo grub2-mkconfig --output /boot/efi/EFI/rocky/grub.cfg

Never directly edit the grub configuration. Regenerate it automatically instead

String manipulation


  • Any digit ([0-9]): \d
  • Any NON digit: \D
  • Any word character: \w
  • Any NON word character: \W
  • Any single character: .
  • A single character of: [abc]
  • A character except: [^abc]
  • A character in range: [a-z]
  • Zero or one of a: a?
  • Zero or more of a: a*
  • One or more of a: a+
  • Exactly 3 of a: a{3}
  • 3 or more of a: a{3,}
  • Exactly 3 to 6 of a: a{3,6}
  • Start of a string: ^
  • End of a string: $
  • OR: (sample1|sample2)
  • Match previous token one or more times: +
  • Match previous token zero or more times: *

Text search (grep)

  • After context: -A 5
  • Before context: -B 5
  • After and before context: -C 5
  • Exclude: -v string_to_exclude

Usage: dnf history | grep install | grep -v akmods

  • Compare command outputs: diff <(command1) <(command2)


  • List available GPU: lspci -nn | egrep -i "3d|display|vga"
  • List available GPU details: lshw -C display

Clear space

  • Remove unused packages: dnf autoremove
  • Clear cache etc: dnf clean all
  • View system journal size: journalctl --disk-usage
  • Trim system journal: journalctl --vacuum-time=3d
  • View thumbnail cache size: du -sh ~/.cache/thumbnails
  • Clear thumbnail cache: rm -rf ~/.cache/thumbnails/*
  • Flatpak list largest: flatpak --columns=name,size,application,version,description list
  • Remove unused flatpaks: flatpak uninstall --unused --delete-data
  • List largest dnf packages: rpm -qa --queryformat '%10{size} - %-25{name} \t %{version \n ' | sort -n


  • Print all: cat file
  • Print first 10 lines: head -n 10 file
  • Print last 10 lines: tail -n 10 file
  • Select 1st column: cut -c1
  • Monitor command output: watch -n1 lspci

Every 1 second, clear screen and print output of lspci (-n1 specifies the interval in seconds)


  • Show info for specific kernel (index '0', which is usually the latest & default): sudo grubby --info=0
  • Show logs during early boot on all installed kernels: `sudo grubby –update-kernel=ALL –remove-args=' rhgb quiet'
  • Boot to a different kernel ('2') on the next boot only: sudo grubby savedefault --default=2 --once


  • Overview on connection activity: sudo iftop
  • Network manager: nmcli


  • Command description: whatis systemd
  • Command manuals: man systemd
  • Binary locations: whereis systemd
  • Search man pages: apropos wireless